During the fall months, the Brothers MICM always offer an Adult Lecture Series on Thursday evenings, hosted in MacIsaac Hall and live-streamed for home viewers. This year’s lectures were an overview of the lives and teachings of important spiritual masters who...
Summer 2024 marked the 40th anniversary of Montfort Boys Camps! What started with borrowed tents and a makeshift waterslide in the monastery grounds has developed into a full-fledged camp program with a 200-acre home and a spirit that reaches boys nationwide! The...
On the evening of May 10, 2024, the IHM Band performed its 40th Spring Concert. Attired in concert dress, with a full range of instruments, and on their very own MacIsaac Hall stage, the performance was a far cry from the first concert with a handful of young...
Men’s Retreat On September 8 – 9, the Brothers held the annual Men’s Retreat at Montfort Retreat in NH. Approximately 50 men took the opportunity to step away from their busy schedules and engage in a 24-hour spiritual boot camp. The Sacraments, spiritual talks,...
“What are the desires of your heart?” This was the question Father Stephen asked 100 young men at the Montfort Retreat Camp in his sermon at a Sung Traditional Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart. You can be sure that there is no lack of desire in a young man’s heart...
On Pentecost Sunday, May 28, 2023, Brother Gerard Fretwell professed his Final Vows as a Slave of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Brother. This day was the climax of five and a half years of prayer, study, and preparation. Brother Gerard, the eldest of Carol and...