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Contact Us


Brother Thomas Augustine, MICM Superior

Please feel free to contact our Monastery! We will do our best to help you with your questions as soon as possible. 
Note: When mailing letters & donations to the monastery please use the Mailing Address!

Mailing Address
PO Box 1000
Harvard, MA. 01451
Street Address
282 Still River Road
Harvard, MA. 01451
(978) 456-8296

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What is 12+3?

Monastery Dress Code

Women: Dresses or skirts below the knee. No pants or sleeveless. Head coverings required in the Chapel.

Men: Long dress pants; Button-up shirt. No shorts,  t-shirts or flip-flops.

True Catholic


“What a joy it is to serve God freely, generously, and without asking recompense.” ~St. Rose Philippine Duchesne