The Traditional

Latin Mass

Living Tradition

The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary are devoted to the Latin Tridentine Mass. This Mass is offered in the language of antiquity and can be traced to the time of the Apostles. It was given the name “Tridentine” at the Council of Trent, because it is the Latin name for Trent.

At that time the Mass was under attack by the new Protestant religions forming and introducing innovations, re-interpretations, a variety of languages and translations in the liturgy. This caused incredible chaos that wreaked havoc in Europe among the faithful. In order to quell the impending disaster of disunity and heresy, the Church fixed a formula for the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the universal language of the Church, the timeless and unchangeable Latin.

The Eucharist remained the focus, enshrouded by mystery as the separate offering of Bread and Wine became the unbloody re-enactment of Calvary, offering salvation to all. The beauty, solemnity and reverence of this liturgy befits the worship due to God. The movements and actions of the priest are carefully guarded by rubrics and the doctrines of the Faith are likewise preserved by the unchangeableness and precision of the Latin language.

The four ends of sacrifice, namely adoration, contrition, thanksgiving and petition, are beautifully and clearly offered to the Divine Majesty of God. The Gregorian Chant, the incensing, the age-old prayers of the Offertory and the Canon all harmonize to the greater honor and glory of God. The faithful are left with no doubt that this is indeed the renewal of the Sacrifice of the Cross, where Heaven and earth unite, where God’s blessings descend, where sin is forgiven, peace established, and Christ, our Priest and Victim, becomes Himself our Heavenly Manna in Holy Communion.

In 2007, Pope Benedict XVI cleared the cloud of controversy enshrouding the “Old Mass” versus the “New Mass” by ushering in a revival of the Tridentine Mass and freedom to celebrate it anywhere in the world. The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary have an unbroken history of Tridentine Liturgy, on which their spirituality is based.

Chalice with wheat and grapes
flourish gold

Daily Mass Schedule

Monday – Saturday:
7:00 a.m. & 8:30 a.m.

7:00 a.m. Low Mass
9:00 a.m. Sung Mass
11:00 a.m. Low Mass

Monastery Dress Code

We ask all visitors to abide by our dress code while attending Mass at Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel.

Women – Dresses or skirts must be below the knee. No pants or shorts or sleeveless blouses. Head coverings are required in the Chapel, either veils or hats. No flip-flops.

Men – Long dress pants, button-up shirts. No shorts, T-shirts, nor flip-flops.

Profession of a Brother in IHM Chapel

Monastery Chapel

Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel is the private Chapel of the monastery. Guests are welcome to attend the Mass daily.

Confirmation day at IHM Chapel


The public are welcome to join us for the devotions throughout the week and announced events.

Christmas manger in IHM Chapel

Feasts & Holy Days

The traditional calendar is rich in feasts! See our monthly bulletin to find Mass times for upcoming feasts & Holy Days.

Statue of Christ in death displayed on Good Friday.