Sister Maria Francesca, Novice

Sister Maria Francesca, Novice

The feast of Our Lady’s Birthday, September 8, 2024, was celebrated with due honor – and also with the reception of a new novice! Madeleine Robbins completed her months of serious discernment as a postulant and received the habit and white veil of a novice with...
May 8th Profession

May 8th Profession

We were blessed to witness the First Profession of Sister Maria Veronica, MICM, on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii, May 8, 2024. Aside from a little rain, it was a perfectly beautiful day! Thanks be to God! Enjoy the full photo gallery from this day...
Madeleine Robbins, Postulant

Madeleine Robbins, Postulant

On the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, the Sisters, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, received Madeleine Robbins as a postulant. Please pray for Madeleine as she begins the six month period of serious discernment. Perseverance! Visit the Sisters' Site for...
Pentecost Final Profession

Pentecost Final Profession

On Pentecost Sunday, May 28, 2023, Brother Gerard Fretwell professed his Final Vows as a Slave of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Brother. This day was the climax of five and a half years of prayer, study, and preparation. Brother Gerard, the eldest of Carol and...
Sr. Mary Anne Profession

Sr. Mary Anne Profession

The feast of Our Lady of Fatima, May 13, 2023, was the perfect day for the First Profession of Sister Mary Anne. Sister was born and raised in Singapore and became interested in the Sisters, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary through a mutual friend. She crossed...
Brother Louis Marie, MICM

Brother Louis Marie, MICM

On the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, February 11, 2023, Brother Louis Marie, age 24, completed his two years of Novitiate and made his First Vows as a Brother MICM. The simple and beautiful ceremony takes place fittingly at the Offertory of the Mass. After bowing and...