True Devotion and More…

True Devotion and More…

During the fall months, the Brothers MICM always offer an Adult Lecture Series on Thursday evenings, hosted in MacIsaac Hall and live-streamed for home viewers. This year’s lectures were an overview of the lives and teachings of important spiritual masters who...
Great Song & Great Story

Great Song & Great Story

The Sisters’ new song, “Little Hands Divine,” is a musical meditation on the hands of Christ, which you can enjoy in the video below. From Bethlehem to Calvary, the Crib to the Cross, the hands of Jesus are outstretched to receive you. Little in the...
Traditional Rite Confirmation 2023

Traditional Rite Confirmation 2023

A group of forty-three of our IHM School students and CCD students received the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 26, 2023. The Sacrament was conferred by Bishop Robert McManus (Worcester Diocese) in the Traditional Rite at Saint John, Guardian of Our Lady Parish in...
Sr. Mary Anne Profession

Sr. Mary Anne Profession

The feast of Our Lady of Fatima, May 13, 2023, was the perfect day for the First Profession of Sister Mary Anne. Sister was born and raised in Singapore and became interested in the Sisters, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary through a mutual friend. She crossed...
The Mass of All Time

The Mass of All Time

This song is about the beauty of the Traditional Latin Mass and why it is so precious to us. The lyrics were written by the Sisters MICM, and were put to the Irish tune of “The Town I Loved So Well.” Saint Louis Marie de Montfort, was famous for using the...
New at True Devotionals!

New at True Devotionals!

Before the school day begins each morning, two Sisters stop at the Gift Shop to fill the “pick list” of items ordered the previous day. Then, our trusty volunteers, Dan, and Marian K. sacrifice a portion of their mornings to get those items boxed and...