Expansion Progress Summer 2023

Expansion Progress Summer 2023

After four weeks of camps and retreats, the Brothers resumed construction on the IHM addition in late August. Our youth apostolate was such a success that we are happy to forego our initial expectations of opening the new addition in September. But there has still...
Come Lord Jesus!

Come Lord Jesus!

The First Saturday of every May is First Holy Communion Day here at Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel. This year, nineteen children were prepared by Sister Mary Imelda, MICM, and received Jesus for the first time on Saturday, May 6, 2023. After the Mass, Father Becker...
Spring Progress Report

Spring Progress Report

Dear Friends, As we approach Holy Week and the end of Lent, I thank all who have made a Lenten Alms. It is very much appreciated. At the same time, I would like to make one last appeal to you for a Lenten Alms, if you have not made one, to help us finish the addition...
Giving Tuesday Results!

Giving Tuesday Results!

Dear Friends, Our campaign on Giving Tuesday, for the needs of Immaculate Heart of Mary School, was a great success and I heartily thank all those who so generously contributed. The $10,000 Matching Gift was met and our goal of $25,000 was exceeded. All combined, the...
IHM School Expansion Fundraiser

IHM School Expansion Fundraiser

This Giving Tuesday, please support Traditional Catholic Education by donating to our Immaculate Heart of Mary School! As many Catholic schools are closing their doors, we, the religious Brothers MICM and Sisters MICM at Saint Benedict Center, feel a greater...
Fall ’22 Expansion Update Video

Fall ’22 Expansion Update Video

The latest update video for the IHM School Expansion Project is viewable right here! There are so many pieces to this project, and it is exciting to see so much headway being made by the Brothers MICM! Take a look at the video, share it, and help speed this project...