It has been five years since we broke ground for the IHM School addition! Our greatest hope was to have the building up within a year—then COVID hit. Well, we all know how that went. About two years later, when normalcy began again, progress resumed on the project.
A magnificent building, tiered landscape, and rerouted driveways now stand where pine trees once stood. The Brothers’ dedicated and quality workmanship shows in every corner. But while details are worked out and permits and codes are acquired or covered, we anxiously await the day we can officially move in.
The checklist has definitely lessened. The new walk-in fridge and freezer are up and running, the last walls are being painted, and the woodwork is polyurethaned. The elevator is almost finished, but the most significant obstacles yet to hurdle are final inspections from engineers and town and state inspectors.
With your help and prayers, we can move past the final steps of this project and move everyone into the new building soon! Contribute to help speed along this project by making a donation here or on the school site