Our online store, True Devotionals, has been reaching souls across the country on a daily basis.
Early each morning, a couple of the Sisters review the online shop’s orders and gather items in a pick list to send to the shipping room. From there, Dan and Marian K., long-time members of the Third Order community, collate orders and carefully package each item to ship. They volunteer daily for hours behind the scenes to help ensure that customers get their products promptly. Most orders are shipped the next day, and a handwritten message thoughtfully included shows appreciation for supporting the Monastery.
The Christmas season is always an exciting time at the shipping room as Catholics across the country peruse products from True Devotionals in hopes of finding and purchasing the right gifts. In December alone, over 1,000 orders were placed and shipped out, reaching not just the neighboring states but 47 states in total! December 16th saw a record-breaking day with 79 orders filled and shipped in one morning!
While the shop offers a wide variety of items, the products that remain the top sellers have been designed here at the Monastery: in particular, our exclusive sterling silver True Devotion Rings and Bracelets.
A big thank you to Dan and Marian for their valuable help and to all our devoted customers who continue to support us through the True Devotionals Shop!