On November 25, 2021, Brother Thomas Augustine, MICM, celebrated 50 years of Religious Profession as a Slave of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It was no coincidence that the day should fall on Thanksgiving, as we are so thankful for all that he has done for our community. Brother has served as Superior of the Order for many years and is the unseen force of so much that happens here at Saint Benedict Center.

Although he preferred to forgo the big celebration that a Golden Jubilee calls for, this landmark event could not be bypassed without some festivity. Before the big day, the elementary students performed an assembly held in Brother’s honor, and afterward, presented him with cards, good wishes, and a big treasure box of funds they had raised for the school expansion project!
The MICM community celebrated with a homemade Asian meal in his honor in the days following Thanksgiving, and the event was also celebrated with cake and coffee for the families after Sunday Mass.
We thank God for the 50 years of excellent example and leadership that Brother has given to Jesus through Mary, and we look forward to many more! Ad multos Annos!