
Brothers MICM

Living True Devotion

The Brothers, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, live a community life united by their total consecration to Mary, give all their goods, both interior and exterior, without exception, for the greater glory of God. This total consecration to Mary as formulated by Saint Louis Marie de Montfort in his book True Devotion to Mary, is the driving force behind the spiritual life of the Brothers, whether they are praying, working, studying, or teaching, all is done “in, with and for” the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the salvation of souls. It is not so much about what they do, rather for whom they do it.

In a spirit of total giving, each day is centered around prayer, starting with meditation, rosary and the Tridentine Liturgy. The actual work of the Brothers, while missionary in nature, encompasses a gamut of skills ranging from the intellectual to the manual.

Fortifying their outward work with the strength of an interior life, the Brothers are trained in many fields. Teaching, conducting a marching band, writing, filming, or publishing and printing our evangelizing tool, From the Housetops magazine, constitute only a part of their work.

Skilled craftsmen, like their model, Saint Joseph, the Brothers are masters in woodworking and building, auto mechanics, landscaping, book binding and masonry. Unlike worldly labor, however, every job is united to their prayer life, giving glory to God in all they do.

The unique calling to live the Total Consecration in Community is for the few and the true – those who have the courage to give up all….even the merits of their good actions. “Total” leaves nothing behind in selfish endeavors. It’s All for Jesus through Mary!

Young men who are high school graduates, between the ages of 17 and 28, are eligible as candidates for the Religious Life of the Brothers. Request your free Vocation DVD and information packet or call to schedule a visit today!

The harvest is indeed great… but the laborers are few.
 Come Follow Me!

Watch the Profession ceremony of Brothers MICM above.