Broadening Horizons
A new era began for us. Supported by the graces of the Traditional Latin Mass and deep spirituality of Saint Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion to Mary, our apostolate began to flourish. Families seeking the reverence of the traditional liturgy continued to find their way to Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel in increasing numbers where two daily Masses and three on Sunday are offered to accommodate them. Immaculate Heart of Mary School, grades 1 to 12, was enlarged and filled to capacity. The From the Housetops publication, produced in our own state-of-the-art print shop, is circulated to an ever-increasing number of subscribers throughout the country and abroad. Through the generosity of benefactors, the Center has grown from a small parcel of land with three buildings to a complex of more than 20 acres and 11 buildings. After years of renting facilities for our 30-year-old summer camp apostolate, we acquired 200 acres of waterfront property in Washington, New Hampshire where the Brothers and friends built Montfort Retreat. With its 15 cabins, a large dining hall and pavilion, lodge and impressive chapel, Montfort is used for the summer youth programs as well as adult retreats and days of recollection.
Steps toward recognition of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the Diocese of Worcester have also advanced. In 2002, then Bishop Daniel Reilly came to the Center and after a ceremony in the chapel where the community recited and signed a copy of the Creed, he gave his formal blessing for our “regularization” – meaning, the Slaves are Catholics in good standing.
On October 27, 2017, Most Reverend Robert J. McManus, Bishop Reilly’s successor issued a decree giving us canonical juridical status, raising our community to a Public Association of the Faithful. This was our single prayer intention from the beginning of the year—the Centennial of the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima.
To Jesus through Mary
The Divine command to “teach all nations” is all the more necessary in this 21st Century of relentless dissent and apostasy. By total dependence on Our Lady’s intercession, the Brothers and Sisters – with the priests who devotedly assist us – continue the work begun by Father Feeney. “Ever responsive to the needs of the Church,” our Constitutions state, “the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary shall devote themselves to any facet of the apostolic life necessary for the preservation and propagation of the Catholic faith.” We seek no other glory than contributing our share to strengthening the Mystical Body by a constant and uncompromising profession of all the truths the Catholic Church believes and professes.
Our spirituality of consecration to Mary is and always will be the foundation of our spiritual lives and apostolates. It is exciting to see the spirit of slavery to Mary spreading through the wide distribution of our “Manual for Total Consecration” and the conferences we present. It is an honor to live out our lives in holy slavery doing all and giving all by, with, for and in Jesus through Mary! We pray that many who are discerning a religious vocation may offer themselves to serve our Heavenly Queen for the salvation of souls and the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.