This year, the Brothers MICM directed the annual Men’s Retreat on September 6–7, and the Sisters MICM conducted the Women’s Retreat on September 20–21. Both events, held at Montfort Retreat, were well attended by Catholic adults drawn by the opportunity for spiritual growth and the chance to enjoy the peaceful grounds colored by early fall foliage.

The Men’s Retreat maintained a disciplined silence, allowing its 50+ participants to delve deeply into personal reflection and meditation. In contrast, the Women’s Retreat offered the 60+ participants a blend of quiet reflection and prayer with conversation and even some crafts!

Christ Himself emphasized the importance of taking time for prayer and spiritual refreshment. We were honored to provide this opportunity for Catholic men, women, fathers, mothers, and young adults to step away from the busy world for peace and spiritual revitalization.

Catholic Mens Retreat 2024 with the Brothers MICM
Catholic Women's Retreat with the Sisters MICM
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