The new school year is just about to begin! It is incredible to think how quickly the summer months have gone by filled up with camp programs at our facility and across the country! More incredible still, is the progress the Brothers have made on the IHM School Expansion Project! There is a full report of the progress over at the Immaculate Heart of Mary School site, so be sure to check that out!
The nitty-gritty of an addition of this magnitude can be overwhelming, and yet the Brothers just seem to take it in stride. The big news is, that – as progress continues, we have had one big setback in that our septic system failed. This unforeseen problem will hinder headway for a while as well as funding. We praying to Our Lady to provide us with donors that will help us hurdle this obstacle. We have confidence that Our Lady will get us through.
“In all your trials, arm yourself with faith, confidence in God, and deep humility of heart. Fear nothing.”
~St. Paul of the Cross