Each day of May is “Mother’s Day” for Our Lady here at Saint Benedict Center! The delightful weather and all the flowering trees and blossoms make the monastery grounds just about perfect! What an ideal month for Mary!
The first day of May, also First Saturday, was First Holy Communion day here at the Chapel. We rejoiced as twelve young souls received Our Lord into their heart for the first time! What a gift in these strange times when so many can not receive Him! The photos in the gallery below feature the class enrollment in the Brown Scapular and also with the Sisters who prepared them.
On May 14th two May Processions praised Our Lady simultaneously after the school Mass. Grades 1-8 processed through the elementary school grounds, praying the rosary and crowning three statues along the way. On the other side of the street, Grades 9-12 carried the sedia of Our Lady of Fatima and processed through the east side of the Monastery grounds, singing hymns and crowning four statues before climaxing with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament in MacIsaac Hall.
Now through these last days of May, classroom shrines are still decked with flowers and hearts are still raised in love and song to Mary. If you haven’t already, pick up your Rosary and join us in praising our sweet Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May!
Enjoy a gallery of May photos below!