Preparations for the addition on Immaculate Heart of Mary School building for grades 1–8 are well under way here at Saint Benedict Center.
As the final details get wrapped up, the Brothers have been preparing the site, chopping down pines and oaks and clearing underbrush that line the ridge overlooking the valley. Once the trees were removed, breathtaking views of the sunsets were revealed!
As we await approval to start, the first thing on the list will be to enlarge our existing parking and re-route the driveway. One entrance will divide in two directions, and unify the properties in an organic manner, also enabling us to add some desperately needed space for parking and create a larger school yard for the students.
The 2019-2020 academic year will open with the sound of backhoes and bulldozers accompanied by a symphony of hammers and saws as anxious students and teachers look forward to more spacious classrooms, larger library and function room before the academic year is over. (See the gallery below of progress and plans!)
Please keep this urgent project in your prayers and on your donation list so we can meet our time goal and finish within a year!
By donating to the Immaculate Heart of Mary School building fund, you promote and foster Traditional Catholic Education and you will reap the eternal benefits in Heaven! Donations can be made at and on this site. God bless you.