The latest issue of “From the Housetops Magazine” featuring the life of great Saint Joseph, has been printed and mailed!
Chosen by God as the head of the Holy Family, Saint Joseph humbly took on the great responsibility of providing and caring for Jesus and Mary. Throughout his life he had complete trust and confidence in God, and perfect abandonment to His providence. Countless miracles and graces have been given through the power and intercession of this lowly carpenter.
It is an important time for the life of Saint Joseph to reach the faithful, since he is the Patron Saint of the Universal Church! Saint Joseph, pray for us!
Other articles in the issue include works such as:
- The Effects of Home Influence (the importance of a happy home and interactive parents if the physical and spiritual welfare of the child is to be secured.)
- The Immaculate Conception (treasure of graces to which we ought to have recourse with full confidence.)
- Living Members of All the Just (On Love of Neighbor.)
- Conversion of the Pagan World (On the need of the zeal and apostolic activity of the Church.)
- Saint Joseph’s Help (Beautiful short stories on the power of Saint Joseph.)
- …and other inspiring articles that are solidly Catholic but easy reading!
“From the Housetops” is one of the main apostolates of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and is published and printed entirely here on the monastery grounds. Order your issue of Saint Joseph!