The First Profession of Sister Maria Faustina and Sister Mary Jacinta took place on September 8, 2018. What a perfect birthday gift for Our Lady: two young women dedicating themselves through vows as religious Slaves of her Immaculate Heart! Two and a half years of training and preparation had gone by, first as postulant then as Novice, and the big day was finally here!

Sister Maria Faustina, 21, formerly known as Amanda Katherine Hannon, was born and raised in Iota, Louisiana. Sister was the second of Chet and Jessica’s ten children. Home schooled all twelve years, she attended the Latin Tridentine Mass along with her entire family. In 2011 “Katy” Hannon made her first trip to the North East to attend Morning Star Camp, where she immediately fell in love with the Order, the Sisters, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. After attending Morning Star for four years as a camper and once as a counselor, and spending time with the Sisters discerning, Katy joined the Community as a postulant on February 2, 2016.

Sister Mary Jacinta, 22, formerly known as Jennifer Marie Brizek, was born and raised in northern New Jersey and was the second of Andy and Dawn Brizek’s eight children. Homeschooled for Grades 1-12, “Jenny”grew up attending the Latin Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Chapel in Pequannock NJ and was close to the community there. At the age of 10, Jenny spent her first week at Morning Star Camp and returned for many years as a camper and later as a counselor. After graduation she began college but after discerning God’s call, she left the world to seek higher things and asked to join the Sisters. She was accepted as a postulant in February 2016 with Sister Maria Faustina. Through the grace of God, and the influence of their faith-filled parents and Catholic upbringing, both young women answered the call of Christ to pick up their cross and follow Him!

The Sisters both wore their mother’s wedding gowns as they walked down the aisle to offer their lives and service as Brides of Christ on the morning of September 8, 2018. At the Offertory during a Solemn High Mass they pronounced their Vows and signed their vows document at the altar. Then the Sisters received the ring of espousals of Christ and the habit of professed Sisters. It was a moving experience to watch these beautiful young brides of Christ leave the chapel in their bridal attire and return in the solemn black of the habit.

When the Mass and ceremony were finished, it was exciting to see so many Morning Star Camp campers and counselors who had traveled great distances to be present at the event! How appropriate… since it was Morning Star Camp that had brought these two Sisters to Christ! A formal reception followed in MacIsaac Hall just as at other “wedding.”

Please pray for the newly professed Sisters! The bridegroom cometh… and they are going forth to meet Him!

Watch the Profession Ceremony video below.

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