The latest issue of “From the Housetops Magazine” featuring the life and apostolic works of Saint Peter Claver, Apostle of the West Indies, has been printed and mailed!

A model of untiring selflessness and charity, Peter Claver spent his life with the slaves of Cartegena, caring for, and ministering to their spiritual and bodily needs. With no one else to care for them, the slaves found Peter a reliable friend and mentor but also a father who would never abandon them.

Other articles in the issue include works such as:

  • Your Mission is God’s Will (The Principal Precepts presented by Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez to Saint Peter Claver.)
  • Be Merciful to Me a Sinner (On self love and vanity.)
  • Seeking God in Love (On willing to love God.)
  • The Real Presence (On your Eucharistic Friend.)
  • The Eternal Memory of the Church (On prayer for the faithful departed.)
  • Money Minded (On detachment from wealth.)
  • …and other inspiring articles that are solidly Catholic but easy reading!

“From the Housetops” is one of the main apostolates of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and is published and printed entirely here on the monastery grounds.

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