If you haven’t recieved it already – you’ll want to order your copy of the latest issue of “From the Housetops Magazine” featuring the life of Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, the first person to be beatified here in the USA!
Known as the “American Teresa,” Sister Miriam Teresa was a member of the Sisters of Charity of Convent Station in New Jersey. She was a teacher in an active Order, with the heart of a contemplative. Very much like her patroness, the Little Flower, she had a spiritual child-likenes and her writings display a mixture of the simplicity of a First Communicant and the wisdom of a theologian.
Other side articles in the issue include inspiring works on important topics such as the “Perseverence in Prayer” and “Christian Marriage” among others.
“From the Housetops” is one of the main apostolates of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and is published and printed entirely here on the monastery grounds.
Order your issue of Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich!
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