The feast of the Assumption of Our Lady was celebrated in a most solemn and joyful manner here at St. Benedict Center, as the busy summer came to a close.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the feast was offered by Father Neil Roy, Rev. Deacon Matthew Vierno, FSSP, served as deacon and Brother Christopher Isaac, MICM served as sub deacon. Following the Mass, the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary had the joy of receiving two new novices. Jennifer (Jenny) Brizek and Amanda Katherine (Katy) Hannon, having finished their six month postulancy, full of prayer, work, study and discernment, presented themselves before the altar to be received into the two year novitiate.
In the presence of the community, family and friends, they asked for “the mercy of God, and the companionship of the community.” They then received the habit of a Slave of the Immaculate Heart with the white veil of the novice, and their new names: Sister Mary Jacinta (Jenny) and Sister Maria Faustina (Katy).
After the Mass the community assembled outside the chapel to wish the new novices “Perseverance.” They were joyfully greeted and congratulated by family and friends who had come share this happy event, and see the Sisters as they begin on their two-year formation, and set their faces toward that beautiful day to which they aspiring, when they will become the Brides of Christ. Please pray for Sister Mary Jacinta and Sister Maria Faustina, as they begin this time of prayer and study and aspire toward the crown of eternal life as a Slave of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.