Over the past months MacIsaac Hall has become a working reality. Everything is painted and the flooring and lighting is installed. The bathrooms and locker rooms are complete. Basketball hoops, score board and divider curtain are up; the beautiful logo has been painted on the floor, and the bleachers and score table are all in place!

The first event to be held in the new facility was the IHM School Christmas Program on December 19. A make-shift covering protected the floors, and a variety of seating was gathered from around the monastery… and a turnout of about 400 people crowded the bleachers, seats or stood to enjoy the historic show! Without curtains and stage lighting, and using a temporary sound system, the show went on, and was a huge success! It was truly exhilarating!

With the start of the new year, another chapter for IHM was opened as our basketball teams had their first home games on January 4! Our Eagles teams soared and scored to the cheering of a spirited audience! They were home at last!

The facillity may be up and running, with afternoon basketball practices, gym classes, and even some evening volleyball with friends… but MacIsaac Hall is still a few steps from finished. We are in need of a several levels of stage curtains, PA system, some stage lighting as well as fitting up the new A/V room and the furnishings for the classrooms and lunch room.

It is hard to believe that what was once a rough wooded area of the monastery has now become the great MacIsaac Hall! All that has been accomplished to date has been through prayer, hard work, volunteers and donations. Please help us to continue to the finish line by making a donation. God will bless you for whatever you can give!

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