Earlier in the morning, Sister Marie-Celine and Sister Mary Clair had exchanged the white veils of Novices for the rose crowns and white gowns of a bride. (The gowns they wore, were each of their mother’s wedding gowns!) After the traditional photographs were taken with the community and family members, the Brides of Christ were walked down the aisle by their fathers. The nuptials to the Eternal Bridegroom began during the Solemn Mass of the Sunday. In the providence of God, the Gospel reading was the account of the Marriage Feast at Cana!
At the Offertory, the Mass was paused, and the Sisters standing at the altar rail, publicly pronounced their Vows in turn. After signing them on the altar, they were given the ring of espousal to Christ and the habit of a Professed Sister of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. With lit candles in their hands, they processed prayerfully out of the Chapel, and all sat to wait their return.
Several hymns later, the two Sisters returned, in the full habit and black veil… and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass resumed. Sursum Corda! We have truly lifted up our hearts!
Following the Mass a line of well-wishers greeted them with joy and words of congratulations and perseverance. The congregation was welcomed into the dining room to celebrate with a cake! Later in the afternoon a formal reception was held in Saint Agnes Hall. It was a day of joy and hope for our community, our Church and our world… to know that young women are still hearing His Voice! Deo Gratias!