The feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, August 22, is always preceded by a three-day silent retreat in preparation for the renewal of Vows for the Professed… and this year, it was also a preparation for the reception of a novice! After completing six months of postulancy, Clare Trimble was accepted into the Noviciate after Mass on the feastday, when she receive the habit and white veil of a novice as well as a new name in religion. She is now known as Sister Gabriel Marie, taking the youthful Saint Gabriel Possenti as her new patron! The Trimble family, from Indiana, as well as Sister’s grandparents from Arizona, travelled cross-country to attend the ceremony. Its was wonderful to see their joy and encouragement to this beautiful young vocation! Sister Gabriel Marie now begins a two-year novitiate of prayer, study and formation as she continues on her journey to becoming a Bride of Christ. Please keep her in your prayers! It is a blessing to have four young novices… but not for long! Sister Mary Imelda will receive the black veil of First Profession on September 8th. We are looking forward to this beautiful ceremony! Please keep her in your prayers as well, as this important day draws near! The celebration in honor of the Immaculate Heart was completed on Sunday, August 24, with a well attended annual picnic. We only wish that all our friends, benefactors and family could have shared the lovely afternoon with us! God bless you!
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