A few years ago, generous friends, after visiting Turin with their young family, donated a life-size replica of the Shroud that they purchased there.

This breathtaking replica, measuring 43 inches by 14 feet, bearing the exact markings and image of the original linen shroud of Christ was too large to display front and back, due to wall space, so master woodworker, Mr. Patrick Battis (who’s children attend IHM) designed a unique frame for this treasure.

This masterpiece of solid oak is on a stand and displays the shroud on both sides. By removing an ornamental pin the the viewer can spin the image to see the other side.

Although the shroud has been on display privately in Gate of Heaven Chapel at the Sisters’ Convent ever since it arrived, now, thanks to Mr. Battis, it can be transported to different locations for veneration.

It is appropriate that the “Man of Sorrows” be given a predominant place in the Chapel dedicated to His Mother.

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