The annual May Procession honoring Our Blessed Mother, was held on Sunday, May 18th. Thanks be to God, it was an absolutely beautiful day and a glorious event befitting the Queen of Heaven!
Father Paul Nicholson, who was visiting, gave a stirring sermon during the Sung Mass and presided over the rosary said during the crownings. The procession began after the Holy Sacrafice of the Mass. Five statues were crowned along the route, beginning in the Chapel and wending its way from the shrine at the School down Route 110 to the other monastery shrines. A crowd of about 300 faithful, carrying banners or pushing baby carriages, sang hymns along the way and prayed a decade of the Rosary at each stop. Four strong men carried a flower laden sedia with Our Lady of Fatima enroute. The event climaxed with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at an altar on the front lawn of the convent.
Friends, family and visitors from near and far, stayed well into the afternoon enjoying a spring picnic in honor of the Mother of God. It was stunning testimony of devotion and love and will become a happy memory for children and adults alike.