Spiritual Advice from Padre Pio

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Advice of Padre Pio

A collection of quotations taken from the words and writings of Saint Padre Pio.

Don’t ever fall back on yourself when the storm is raging. Place all your hope in our most sweet Jesus. Renew your faith continually and never give up, for faith never abandons anyone, much less a soul that is yearning to love God.

Try to be always ready and prepared to do the Divine Will which invariably has in view God’s glory and the good of our souls. Oh, how delightful is the thought of doing God’s will in all things!

Take courage. Don’t be frightened and don’t stop halfway on your road. Go forward all the time with fresh courage. You have nothing to fear…Jesus will be the helmsman that will steer your little spiritual ship and Mary will be the anchor.

Don’t allow sadness to dwell in your soul, for sadness prevents the Holy Spirit from acting freely. If we insist on being sad, then let it be a holy sadness at the sight of the evil that is spreading more and more in society nowadays.

How many poor souls are everyday deserting God, our Supreme Good!

Don’t worry to the point of losing your inner peace. Pray with perseverance, with faith, with calmness and serenity.

Love Jesus; when you love Him much, you will love sacrifice even more.

Do not fear adversity; because by it, your soul is placed at the foot of the cross which takes you to the doors of Heaven. There you will find Him Who triumphed over death, Who will introduce you to eternal happiness.

Life of Saint Padre PioBear in mind that the more pleasing a soul is to God, the more he must be tried. Therefore, courage, and go forward, always.

By study we search for God; by meditation we find Him.

Don’t become so engrossed in the activities of Martha, that you forget the silence and surrender of Mary. May the Virgin who reconciles both duties so well, be you model and inspiration.

May Mary fill your heart with the flower and fragrance of ever-fresh virtues, and place her maternal hand on your head. Always keep close to our heavenly Mother, because she is the sea that must be crossed, in order to reach the shores of eternal splendor in the kingdom of Dawn.

Humility is truth, and truth is humility.

Where there is no obedience, there is no virtue; where there is no virtue, there is no good; where there is no good, there is no love; where there is no love, there is no God, and where there is no God, there is no Paradise.

Humility and purity of life are the wings that lift us up to God.

All prayers are good when performed with a good intention and good will.

Prayer is the best weapon we possess—the key that opens the heart of God.

Love, and practice simplicity and humility, and don’t worry about the opinion of the world, because if this world had nothing to say against us, we would not be true servants of God.

Always remain close to the Catholic Church, because it alone can give you true peace, since it possesses Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the true Prince of Peace.