Saint Philomena, Virgin & Martyr
Today, there are many shrines and celebrations around the world dedicated to Saint Philomena. The tallest church in Asia, in Mysore, India, is the neogothic cathedral dedicated to Saint Joseph and Saint Philomena.
One of the most enthusiastic celebrations, outside of Mugnano, Italy, today is in Sibonga, Cebu, Philippines, where Saint Philomena appeared on the pier of the city during World War II to protect the people from a Japanese invasion.
The many processions and fiestas world wide to Saint Philomena could fill volumes, attesting to the unfailing devotion, faith, and intercession to a young martyr who gave her life for Christ rather than break her vow of virginity.
Saint Philomena is a great miracle worker even today. Cecily Hallack relates in her book, “The Curé of Ars built a chapel for Saint Philomena, and soon its walls were lined with crutches, and the very oil of the lamp which burned before the altar had the power of healing the sick.” Most of the cures there were instantaneous.
A person once approached the Curé and said: ‘Is it true Monsieur le Curé that Saint Philomena obeys you?’ To which the holy priest replied, ‘Why not, since every day God Himself obeys me at the altar.’ “
For the full story of this wonderful saint as it appeared in our magazine, From the HouseTops. Click Here.