The world’s response to Christ’s birth at Bethlehem echoes down throughout the ages even to our own time. Responses can be divided into three categories. All are found in the telling of the first Christmas story. Not much has changed changed over the years, only the players.
1. When Christ was born on that first Christmas, joy was the first response which was highlighted by that of the Shepherds and the three Kings.
2. Then there were many who, in spite of the good news of the long awaited Savior’s birth, were indifferent. We see this in the reaction of the people of Jerusalem where business went on as usual although they were a little troubled according to Scripture (Matt. 2: 3) It seems that no one went to visit the wonder taking place in nearby Bethlehem.
3. And lastly there was hostility, even to the point of persecution, which is demonstrated in the person of King Herod who slaughtered the Holy Innocents, hoping thereby to kill what appeared to be a threat to his throne.
To skip through the centuries to our own day, we see the Joy of devout souls who have prepared themselves for Christmas during Advent. Their sacrifices, offerings, and prayerful preparations will bring about great joy and peace.
The Indifferent will enjoy the secular aspect of Christmas perhaps with a day off of work and some exchange of gifts but pass over the deeper meaning of the celebration. They are content where they are.
The Hostility to the coming of Christ into the world is greater than is commonly thought. Most of the Kingdoms of this world, represented by Herod, are openly hostile to Christ. The Infant Christ is King and His rule expressed in His teachings and the Christian moral way of life are openly attacked and suppressed.
How terribly important it is then, for the Faithful to come close to the crib, where the Infant King lies, and offer their tribute of adoration, love, obedience and loyalty. The line of those waiting is getting shorter. Jesus has been waiting 2,000 years for your turn. Let’s not disappoint Him.
Your Donation is very important to us.
For those who have not had a chance to make a Christmas contribution, I ask that make one now if you can afford to. Your support is deeply appreciated. Like all monasteries, our community aims to be self-sufficient doing everything ourselves from cooking to building, secretarial work to printing, maintenance to new installation, thereby making the most of your contribution.
Make a Christmas contribution here. Thank you.
We thank all who have contributed so far. If you would like to list your intentions that will be placed on the altar during the Christmas season and remembered in our Masses and prayers, submit your intentions here.
May God grant you a Blessed Christmas and many graces all through the New Year.